Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Someone recently asked me to write about love.
The way I feel about love. Honestly, I don’t know what to write about.
Love is one of the strongest words I have ever known.

And as I grew up, I heard a lot of people saying absolute stupid shit like ‘Love hurts’ and blah blah. I mean, can love actually ever hurt?


I mean, even , if you get your heart broken one fine morning, isn’t it a beautiful feeling to know how does it feel to feel!
To know that okay, you loved that one person and for you he/she was the world and now he is no more with you, you actually reach to a level of self realization.
I have gone through that stage and believe me it was just fine with me. I felt and I healed. And I am as good as ever!  Heart breaks make you stronger and give you a clearer vision in life.

 Maybe people will disagree to what I am saying here but that is just the way I feel.

 I have been the kind of girl who keeps falling in love all the time.
I fall in love way too quickly, get my heart broken and then sit and cry rivers until I fall in love again!
Sounds weird but that is it.
I fall in love with people all the time.
I fall in love with their smiles, with their confidence and  their lack of it.
I fall in love with people’s thoughts and their little annoying habits!
I fall in love with their honest mistakes, their courage and their beliefs.

And obviously, I, here, ain’t talking about the romantic love only.
Yes, I have been in love with men too.
Most of them assholes.
So there is absolutely no point talking about them.

Nevertheless I still believe love is a wonderful feeling to have.
And self love… yes! My favorite thing in the whole world.
Self love is very important, you cannot really love others until you learn to love yourself.
You should love every bit of you.
Your looks, your thoughts, your whole reason of existence on this planet.
I mean, you should be able to do your thing and not care what others think of it.
And remember you don’t have to be different to be worthy. Your worth is in your nature, the core of love and inner goodness.
You are a beautiful light. You are love. Your magnificence can be buried, but its impossible to destroy.
People in search of love often tend to forget that you don’t need to be accepted by others but by yourself.

One question that we all need to ask ourselves.

Do you love yourself enough to live in the moment, to forget the past, not worry about the future, but to be truly present to the opportunity within every moment?